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Feto en el útero durante sus 36 a 38 semanas de gestación - Medical Illustration, Human Anatomy Drawing


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Item #DZ00051-es — Source #1234

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Feto en el útero durante sus 36 a 38 semanas de gestación - Medical Illustration, Human Anatomy Drawing

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"This past year, your company prepared three medical illustrations for our cases; two in which we received six figure awards; one in which we received a substantial seven figure award. I believe in large part, the amounts obtained were due to the vivid illustrations of my clients' injuries and the impact on the finder of fact."

Donald W. Marcari
Marcari Russotto & Spencer, P.C.
Chesapeake, VA
"You and your company are wonderful. Your service, turnaround time, quality and price were better than I could have asked for. Please add me to your long list of satisfied customers."

Robert F. Linton, Jr.
Linton & Hirshman
Cleveland, OH

"[Your staff] was extremely efficient, cooperative and gracious and [their] efforts produced a demonstrative exhibit that we used effectively throughout our trial. The jury verdict of $3,165,000.00 was, in no small measure, due to the impact of the demonstrative evidence. You may be sure that we will call again."

David J. Dean
Sullivan Papain Block McGrath & Cannavo, P.C.
New York, NY

"We got a defense verdict yesterday! Your exhibit was extremely helpful in showing the jury how unlikely it is to damage all four of the nerve branches which control the sense of taste."

Karen M. Talbot
Silverman Bernheim & Vogel, P.C.
Philadeplphia, PA

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